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segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2014

Aplicativos de taxi se unem a marcas

Aplicativos de taxi se unem a marcas:

Quem anda de táxi em grandes cidades brasileiras assistiu a uma transformação no mercado nacional com o lançamento de aplicativos nos últimos três anos. Eles chegaram com a promessa de encontrar um carro rapidamente para os passageiros que pedisse…

5 American Entrepreneurs Doing Good Business Natalia Angulo,...

5 American Entrepreneurs Doing Good Business

Natalia Angulo,

These Amer­i­can entre­pre­neurs are merg­ing busi­ness with com­pas­sion and heart to cre­ate jobs and pro­vide com­mu­ni­ties across the globe a chance to earn a liv­ing wage. Here are their sto­ries.

1. Niso­lo Image cred­it:…

Brand During a Startup’s Infancy for Maximum Impact Stew...

Brand During a Startup’s Infancy for Maximum Impact

Stew Langille,

One of the most com­mon ques­tions entre­pre­neurs ask is how to build their brand. The short answer? Tell your brand’s story in a way that res­onates with your audi­ence.

A suc­cess­ful mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy should answer three main ques­tions…

A Guide to the Best Times to Post on Social Media...

A Guide to the Best Times to Post on Social Media (Infographic)

Kristin Piombino,

Do you post social-media updates when your audi­ence has the high­est chance of see­ing them, or just when­ev­er you think of it or hap­pen to have a free minute?

If you aren’t post­ing to a social media site when most of your audi­ence mem­bers…

Why You Have to Generate Your Own Data Scott Anthony,...

Why You Have to Generate Your Own Data

Scott Anthony,

This is it. You’ve aligned calendars and will have all the right decision-makers in the room. It’s the moment when they either decide to give you resources to begin to turn your innovative idea into reality, or send you back to the drawing board. …

Domino’s Pizza will now let you pay with Google Wallet,...

Domino’s Pizza will now let you pay with Google Wallet, give you free chicken

Derek Kessler,

Domino’s pizza has been a vanguard of mobile pizza ordering, what with their Android app that lets you order on the go — and now they’re going even more mobile with Google Wallet support. Announced this morning, the app has been updated to support…

Apple looking to hire senior execs for mobile payment...

Apple looking to hire senior execs for mobile payment technology

Apple has been conducting interviews of senior payment industry executives in a bid to build up a mobile payment platform, sources say. The company is allegedly talking to candidates for two positions, one as head of product and another as head of…

How better Wi-Fi will help Burger King sell more burgers -...

How better Wi-Fi will help Burger King sell more burgers - Multichannel retail support

Burg­er King dials up in-store mobile efforts

Burg­er King’s in-store Wi-Fi upgrade has big impli­ca­tions for how quick-service chains not only plan to bet­ter con­trol mobile pay­ments, but also cre­ …

Apple Continues Pursuing Mobile Payment Solution, Seeking to...

Apple Continues Pursuing Mobile Payment Solution, Seeking to Hire Industry Executives


Apple is continuing with its plans to introduce a mobile payments service and has began interviewing senior payments industry executives to take on roles within the company, reports Re/code.

Apple is looking to fill two new positions,…

Rede social Daily Pet permite criar diário virtual dos bichos de estimação

Rede social Daily Pet permite criar diário virtual dos bichos de estimação:

Paulo Floro,

O amor dos donos por seus bichos é frequentemente expressado na web. Agora, o Daily Pet vai permitir que os animais tenham um perfil online além de seus donos. A rede social permite o registro das datas de vacinas, consultas … Continuar lendo →The…

Food Network delves into quantified eating by buying Food on the...

Food Network delves into quantified eating by buying Food on the Table

Kevin Fitchard,

Food Net­work has slow­ly been evolv­ing its dig­i­tal strat­e­gy over the years, mov­ing away from using the web and mobile to just tease its cable pro­gram­ming toward cre­at­ing orig­i­nal con­tent and apps. It looks like that strat­e­gy may ta…

sábado, 19 de abril de 2014

BB e Bradesco lançam empresa para facilitar compras online Da...

BB e Bradesco lançam empresa para facilitar compras online

Da redação de Pequenas Empresas e Grandes Negócios,

O Banco do Brasil (BB) e o Bradesco, por meio da sua controlada Companhia Brasileira de Soluções e Serviços (CBSS), lançam hoje (16) a Stelo, empresa de meios eletrônicos de pagamentos que vai administrar, operar e explorar os segmentos de…

Aplicativo organiza fotos armazenadas em smartphones Da redação...

Aplicativo organiza fotos armazenadas em smartphones

Da redação de Pequenas Empresas e Grandes Negócios,

O aplicativo foi lançado pela Covworks (Foto: Divulgação)Os álbuns de fotos nos smartphones estão cada vez mais comuns, mas a organização de todas essas imagens ainda deixa muita gente perdida. Para solucionar essa questão, a Covworks lançou um…

Entrepreneurs’ highs and lows By Tony Bonsignore Business...

Entrepreneurs’ highs and lows

By Tony Bonsignore Business reporter, BBC News,

Millions of people dream of starting their own company, but only some are brave enough to take the leap.

Fewer still go on to great suc­cess.

Talk­ing to BBC Radio 5 live’s On the Money, some of the UK’ …

Entrepreneurs’ highs and lows By Tony Bonsignore Business...

Entrepreneurs’ highs and lows

By Tony Bonsignore Business reporter, BBC News,

Millions of people dream of starting their own company, but only some are brave enough to take the leap.

Fewer still go on to great suc­cess.

Talk­ing to BBC Radio 5 live’s On the Money, some of the UK’ …

Boo, o cão que ensina a construir uma marca Da redação de...

Boo, o cão que ensina a construir uma marca

Da redação de Pequenas Empresas e Grandes Negócios,

A vida de Boo inspirou até livro (Foto: Reprodução)Eu tenho cachorro. Provavelmente, você, leitor, ou alguém da sua família também tem um. O meu é lindo. Além do cão, tenho uma gata de 15 anos. Muito bonita também. Mas nunca me ocorreu fazer deles…

Novo marketplace de moda foca em estilistas nacionais Da redação...

Novo marketplace de moda foca em estilistas nacionais

Da redação de Pequenas Empresas e Grandes Negócios,

Rafael estava à procura de um negócio online para empreender (Foto: Divulgação)A cunhada de Rafael Guandalini é estilista. Ela tentou ter um e-commerce próprio para vender suas coleções, mas não conseguiu – e acabou pedindo a ajuda dele, formado e…

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2014

The App Developers Alliance Wants to Help You Build Smash-Hit Apps

The App Developers Alliance Wants to Help You Build Smash-Hit Apps:

Will Schmidt,

“The App Strategy Workshops are a no-brainer to attend,” says attendee Red Russak. “You come in and find all of the right people and all of the right resources in the same place. You can’t beat that.”The App Strategy Workshops are part of a 15-eve…

Inspiration Is Divine, But Totally Insufficient BY Ilan Mochari...

Inspiration Is Divine, But Totally Insufficient

BY Ilan Mochari @IlanMochari,

Often, entre­pre­neurs are inspired to launch com­pa­nies because they can’t find the prod­ucts they’re look­ing for. But inspi­ra­tion is only a first step. It’s what comes next that mat­ters most.

In 1976, Steve Woz­ni­ak, the cofounder of App…

Hello Doctor Is An Easy Way To Save Medical Files Catherine Shu,...

Hello Doctor Is An Easy Way To Save Medical Files

Catherine Shu,

Hello Doc­tor wants to res­cue patients and care­givers from the night­mare of hav­ing to wran­gle piles of med­ical paper­work. The free app, which won a fall 2013 DEMO God award, just launched on iPhone to com­ple­ment its exist­ing iPad…

Livefyre Takes A New Approach To Commenting With Web Annotation...

Livefyre Takes A New Approach To Commenting With Web Annotation Product Sidenotes

Anthony Ha,

Online com­ments are usu­al­ly cor­doned off at the bot­tom of a page, but Live­fyre is hop­ing to bring them into the con­tent itself with the launch of a new prod­uct called Side­notes.

Basi­cal­ly, it’s a prod­uct that allows vis­i­tors to…

Storefront, Airbnb for Retail Spaces, Raises $7.3 Million

Storefront, Airbnb for Retail Spaces, Raises $7.3 Million:


Some­times copy­ing the con­cept of a start-up and chang­ing the idea slight­ly can lead to astound­ing­ly uno­rig­i­nal com­pa­nies.

But some­times these vari­a­tions can work. This is the case for Store­front, which is the equiv­a­lent of an… Turns iOS Apps Into Playable Mobile Ads Sarah Perez,... Turns iOS Apps Into Playable Mobile Ads

Sarah Perez,, a start­up offer­ing tools that allow iOS appli­ca­tions to run in the brows­er for test­ing or demo pur­pos­es, has now taken the next log­i­cal step: it’s bring­ing its tech­nol­o­gy the world of mobile adver­tis­ing. With the com­pa­ny’…

Amazon acquires Comixology, the world’s most popular digital...

Amazon acquires Comixology, the world’s most popular digital comics platform

Jacob Siegal,

Amazon announced on Thursday that it will acquire Comixology, the most popular digital comic platform on the market. Comixology shot up the download charts when it first hit the iPad, bringing comic books from all of the top publishers to screens…

Lending Startup Fundbox Raises $17.5M From Khosla To Help SMBs...

Lending Startup Fundbox Raises $17.5M From Khosla To Help SMBs Improve Cash Flow

Leena Rao,

Fund­box, a start­up that helps SMBs improve cash flow from clients, has raised $17.5 mil­lion in fund­ing led by Khosla Ven­tures with SV Angel, Vikram Pan­dit, for­mer CEO of Cit­i­group; Tom Glo­cer, for­mer CEO of Thom­son Reuters; Jay…

Big Bucks for Dinner Delivery Service Munchery: $28 Million Led...

Big Bucks for Dinner Delivery Service Munchery: $28 Million Led by Sherpa

Liz Gannes,

Munch­ery, a din­ner deliv­ery ser­vice that has so far only launched in the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area, now has $28 mil­lion in Series B fund­ing.

It’s the first ven­ture invest­ment from Sher­pa Ven­tures, the new firm from for­mer Menlo Ven­tur…

AppDirect’s app store for enterprise grabs $35M to grow, grow,...

AppDirect’s app store for enterprise grabs $35M to grow, grow, grow

John Koetsier,

Installing software-as-a-service enter­prise apps may never get as sim­ple as installing an app on your per­son­al smart­phone, but it’s get­ting clos­er.

$35 mil­lion clos­er, in fact.

AppDi­rect, a cloud ser­vice mar­ket­place that aggre­gat…

Dropbox: Ok, now we’re really serious about the...

Dropbox: Ok, now we’re really serious about the enterprise and collaboration

Barb Darrow,

Drop­box has rewrit­ten its pop­u­lar name­sake file-share appli­ca­tion to be more enter­prise friend­ly. The goal here to reas­sure busi­ness­es that Drop­box for Busi­ness is indeed to be trust­ed with cor­po­rate con­tent and, oh by the way, g…

Quora Wants To Stay Independent, Raises $80M Series C From Tiger...

Quora Wants To Stay Independent, Raises $80M Series C From Tiger Global At ~$900M Valuation

Josh Constine,

Star­tups get acquired and shut down. That threat could scare peo­ple out of writ­ing deep answers on Quora’s Q&A site. So it’s just raised an $80 mil­lion Series C because “We specif­i­cal­ly want to stay inde­pen­dent for the long-term,” Quora C…

Wattpad Raises $46M From OMERS Ventures And Others To Grow Its...

Wattpad Raises $46M From OMERS Ventures And Others To Grow Its Social Publishing Network

Darrell Etherington,

Social writ­ing plat­form and writer’s net­work Wattpad has been at it for a while now, and they’ve qui­et­ly amassed a mas­sive user base that engages reg­u­lar­ly with the site, post­ing their own sto­ries and read­ing the sto­ries of oth­ers, a…

Day Flow for iPhone is a simple time-tracker that helps you...

Day Flow for iPhone is a simple time-tracker that helps you visualize your efficiency

Paul Sawers,

While there’s no short­age of gen­er­al pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tools in the App Store, Day Flow has thrown its hat into the time-management ring with a nice lit­tle iPhone app to help track what you do with your days. Here’s how it works.

Things kick …

Following GrubHub IPO, Online Food Ordering Platform EatStreet...

Following GrubHub IPO, Online Food Ordering Platform EatStreet Raises $6 Million

Sarah Perez,

Eat­Street, an online and mobile food order­ing ser­vice which ini­tial­ly gained trac­tion by tar­get­ing sec­ondary mar­kets across the U.S., has now raised an addi­tion­al $6 mil­lion in Series B fund­ing. The round includ­ed par­tic­i­pa­tion…

Waze CEO confirms Google paid $1.15B for the company, hints that...

Waze CEO confirms Google paid $1.15B for the company, hints that investors forced the deal

Jon Russell,

Google com­plet­ed its acqui­si­tion of Waze last June, but only now has the price tag that it paid for the Israel-headquartered social map­ping start­up and a hint at why the com­pa­ny sold out been revealed.

A blog post on LinkedIn from Noam…

E-Learning Platform Buys Compilr To Add In-Browser...

E-Learning Platform Buys Compilr To Add In-Browser Coding Tools, Price Around $20M

Ingrid Lunden,, the online edu­ca­tion plat­form that raised its first and only round of $103 mil­lion about a year ago, is today announc­ing an acqui­si­tion that will fur­ther’s reach with devel­op­ers and expand the kinds of ser­vices it c…

Just Eat, a global GrubHub, IPOs at $2.45B Dylan Baker,...

Just Eat, a global GrubHub, IPOs at $2.45B

Dylan Baker, TechCityNews,

JUST EAT, an online food ordering/food deliv­ery ser­vice com­pa­ra­ble to Grub­Hub, saw its share price briefly rise more than 10 per­cent on its open­ing day of trad­ing in the Lon­don Stock Exchange.

The IPO list­ed the shares at 260 pence,…

The Mobile Web Is Dead, It’s All About Apps Jay Yarow,...

The Mobile Web Is Dead, It’s All About Apps

Jay Yarow,

Every­one is freak­ing out about this chart from mobile ana­lyt­ics com­pa­ny Flur­ry on Twit­ter today. It shows peo­ple spend 86% of their time on iOS and Android devices in apps. The mobile brows­er only accounts for 14% of our time now. A year…

Appiterate Raises Seed Funding From SAIF Partners, Joins Growing...

Appiterate Raises Seed Funding From SAIF Partners, Joins Growing List Of A/B Testing Startups

Pankaj Mishra,

Test­ing design and con­tent fea­tures on-the-go to iden­ti­fy what users want is noth­ing new — it’s over a decade old process used by Google (and now Face­book among sev­er­al oth­ers) to tell which prod­ucts are like­ly to suc­ceed.

While bot…

Mobile app monetization: Freemium is king, but in-app ads are...

Mobile app monetization: Freemium is king, but in-app ads are growing fast

John Koetsier,

Freemi­um rev­enue for mobile apps was up 211 per­cent last year, accord­ing to a new report from mobile ana­lyt­ics com­pa­ny App Annie and IDC.

Clear­ly, free is work­ing.

While a fair­ly strong major­i­ty — 83 per­cent of the top thou­sand…

Sprig Raises $10M From Greylock To Bring Healthy, Inexpensive...

Sprig Raises $10M From Greylock To Bring Healthy, Inexpensive Meals To Your Door

Leena Rao,

Sprig, a food deliv­ery ser­vice that brings healthy, inex­pen­sive meals to San Fran­cis­co res­i­dents’ doors, has raised $10 mil­lion in Series A fund­ing from Grey­lock Part­ners with Bat­tery Ven­tures and Accel par­tic­i­pat­ing. As part of …

segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014

12 Very Useful Apps For Getting Stuff Done At Work Ryan Bushey,...

12 Very Useful Apps For Getting Stuff Done At Work

Ryan Bushey,

There never seems to be enough time dur­ing the day to get every­thing done at work.

Projects keep pil­ing up, phone calls never stop, and meet­ings never end.

Some­times all you need is an app to keep you moti­vat­ed.

We’ve round­ed up the …

How Founder Control Holds Back Start-ups

How Founder Control Holds Back Start-ups:

Walter Frick,

After enterprise tech start-up Box filed to go public last month, revealing founder Aaron Levie’s remaining stake to be just over 4% (plus stock options), commentators seemed compelled to note just how much control the 28-year-old founder had give…

London buses will go cashless on 6 July Kashmira Gander,...

London buses will go cashless on 6 July

Kashmira Gander,

TfL made the announcement after it held a consulation on the idea last year

From 6 July it will no longer be pos­si­ble to hop on a Lon­don bus and pay with cash, the cap­i­tal’s trans­port body has co …

Financial Inclusion: Is The Next Big Thing One Electronic Payment Away?

Financial Inclusion: Is The Next Big Thing One Electronic Payment Away?:

Amy Rosen,

With world mar­kets grow­ing and tech­nol­o­gy and trav­el pulling us all clos­er togeth­er in an eco­nom­ic patch­work, too many peo­ple are sit­ting on the side­lines, idle. Most often, those on the side­lines are young peo­ple, women and…

Will Apple’s first maneuver in mobile payment checkmate...

Will Apple’s first maneuver in mobile payment checkmate competitors?


No other com­pa­ny is as close­ly exam­ined and observed as Apple. With all eyes on each move it takes, there is cer­tain­ly room for all kinds of rumors and spec­u­la­tion that fuel again news and im …

Mobile Payment

Mobile Payment:

Mobile pay­ment ser­vice pre­pares to launch

York­shire Post

Sim­i­lar mobile pay­ment ser­vices already exist, but the Pay­ments Coun­cil, which is over­see­ing the ini­tia­tive, says this is the first …

Mobile Payment Systems | Edmonton Business Community, Startups...

Mobile Payment Systems | Edmonton Business Community, Startups & Entrepreneurs

Alpana Mandal,

Desk­tops are already dying a bru­tal death at the hands of hand held devices and looks like lap­tops are next. The bank­ing space has evolved from tra­di­tion­al bank­ing prac­tices to net bank­ing a …

The Remarkable Story Of How Alibaba Defeated eBay In...

The Remarkable Story Of How Alibaba Defeated eBay In China

Jillian D’Onfro,

Aliba­ba, the enor­mous Chi­nese e-com­merce com­pa­ny, is about to file for an IPO in the U.S.

But one of the most cru­cial time peri­ods in the com­pa­ny’s his­to­ry came in the early 2000s, when the still-new Aliba­ba bat­tled out with the…

Startup cria frente de caixa feita com...

Startup cria frente de caixa feita com tablet

De olho nos pequenos e médios varejos que não têm a frente de caixa automatizada, a pinGObox, startup criada por Felipe Lachowski, criou uma ferramenta também batizada como pinGObox. O produto contém tablet, caixa registradora, impressora fiscal e…

Facebook quer oferecer serviços financeiros on-line

Facebook quer oferecer serviços financeiros on-line:

O Facebook se prepara para oferecer serviços financeiros aos usuários da rede social, de acordo com o jornal Financial Times. A rede social mais popular do mundo aguarda a aprovação do Banco Central da Irlanda para lançar uma ferramenta que permit…

How to Act Like a Startup, Even When You’re Not BY EO...

How to Act Like a Startup, Even When You’re Not

BY EO @EntrepreneurOrg,

Just because you’ve grown into a big com­pa­ny doesn’t mean you have to let go of your roots

Being an entre­pre­neur means never hav­ing to be cor­po­rate. But grow­ing com­pa­nies can be sus­cep­ti­ble to changes in their envi­ron­ment. How do …

Empreendedor e investidor desde a primeira década da Internet...

Empreendedor e investidor desde a primeira década da Internet segue confiante no mercado brasileiro

Diego Remus,

Sergio Kulikovsky, atual CEO da empresa de cartões de crédito pré-pagos Acesso, já tem uma longa trajetória com computadores, Internet, investidores e empreendedorismo. Mais longa e mais diversa do que muitos da geração conseguem imaginar.Linha do…

Facebook prestes a se tornar um PayPal? Kaluan Bernardo,...

Facebook prestes a se tornar um PayPal?

Kaluan Bernardo,

O Facebook estaria trabalhando para lançar um serviço onde os usuários podem armazenar e transferir dinheiro entre si. A informação é do Financial Times, que diz que a rede social está próxima de conquistar aprovação na Irlanda, onde várias das…

Aplicativos ajudam a combater fraudes em operação de crédito -...

Aplicativos ajudam a combater fraudes em operação de crédito - Tecnologia - O Dia

14/04/2014 | 11:35 - Atualizado em: 14/04/2014 | 11:50

Cruzamento de informações nas redes sociais permite a instituições financeiras identificar falsidade de dados

Rodrigo Carro rodrigo.carro@brasileco …

Empreendedorismo, Negócios e Inovação Endeavor Brasil,...

Empreendedorismo, Negócios e Inovação

Endeavor Brasil,


Estratégia & Crescimento

Um desabafo do empreende­dor sobre a buro­c­ra­cia no Brasil.

Gente & Gestão

Toda organização, para ser duradoura, pre­cisa tornar explícitas as crenças, os val­ores e as …

Dinheirama Entrevista: Benjamin Gleason e Thiago Alvarez, fundadores do

Dinheirama Entrevista: Benjamin Gleason e Thiago Alvarez, fundadores do

Ricardo Pereira,

Quem começa a levar em conta a importância da educação financeira percebe como é fundamental obedecer alguns mandamentos importantes: um deles diz respeito à necessidade de implementar, no dia a dia, alguns controles para conhecer melhor os gastos…

quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2014

The decline of the mobile People are...

The decline of the mobile web

People are spending more time on mobile vs desktop:And more of their mobile time using apps, not the web:This is a worrisome trend for the web. Mobile is the future. What wins mobile, wins the Internet. Right now, apps are winning and the web is…

Startup apresenta protótipo para recarregar bateria de celular...

Startup apresenta protótipo para recarregar bateria de celular em 30 segundos

Guilherme Felitti,

A startup isaraelense StoreDot apresentou um produto que promete carregar totalmente a bateria de um smartphone em trinta segundos. A tecnologia, apresentada durante a conferência Think Next, da Microsoft, ainda é um protótipo. Em entrevista ao…

Curso onine de empreendedorismo gratuito: Finanças básicas para empreendedores

Atlassian, Now Worth $3.3 Billion, Is Helping Employees Pocket...

Atlassian, Now Worth $3.3 Billion, Is Helping Employees Pocket $150 Million

Julie Bort,

While the tech world wrings its hands over how much money an IPO-bound tech com­pa­ny can lose in the name of sales and mar­ket­ing, enter­prise soft­ware com­pa­ny Atlass­ian has grown into a prof­itable com­pa­ny val­ued at $3.3 bil­lion.

Now …

Esta startup quer solucionar o maior problema dos...

Esta startup quer solucionar o maior problema dos wearables

Victor Caputo, de,

A Ineda diz ter criado um processador que consome tão pouca energia que um relógio inteligente feito com ele funcionaria 30 dias sem recarga de bateria

São Paulo – Uma empresa quase desconhecida está prometendo revolucionar o mercado de tecnolog…